These are examples of personal projects in various stages of development. I tend to complete them only to meet the minimum requirements of a particular publication, use, or event. I may or may not eventually finish and publish them. If you want to see me finish any of these, contact me with your vote!
Thame Roundhand
This was designed for my daughter’s wedding in 2014. All the other roundhand fonts we could find were either too cold, legal, and formal, or too hand-drawn and quirky, or too distractingly virtuosic. There was really only one reasonable option—make a new one that was warm, inviting, and filled with peaceful joy. We could also add some custom ligatures and fleurons.

This was built in 2012-2013 out of my own need for a compact but not radically condensed monospaced coding font. The letters were designed to respond well to the text rendering systems of pre-retina macOS, but seems to render equally well on current systems. I also think I just needed to prove to myself that I could do a reasonable job with a design that involved absolutely zero calligraphic inspiration. I still use it daily.

This design is based on a free, uncial hand I developed for a series of calligraphic pieces for Advent 2010. It will require some extensive OpenType work to make it really sing.

Designed for a Christmas card back while I was an MA student at Reading. It was my therapy and never had to face critique from anyone but myself.

During classical music concerts I like to sketch. Trained as a choral and orchestral conductor many years ago, I can’t seem to keep my hands still. This was an early design inspired by the sharp yet graceful conducting style of Vladimir Ashkenazy. Yes, sometimes I design the italic before the upright roman. Then again, who needs upright when italic will do.