Wedding present

This was a belated wedding present for my son Timo and his wonderful wife Lizzie. The stylized sword is composed of collections of text drawn from the Christian Scriptures that refer to the Word of God. The guard contains texts from the Old Testament, the grip from the Psalms, the blade from the New Testament. The borders are the names of the books of the Old (left, top) and New (right) Testaments.
The sword is a troublesome image for Christians. Jesus predicted that his presence would be accompanied by the sword (Matthew 10:24 ), but reacted strongly against a disciple who used one against a perceived threat (Luke 22:51), and reached out to heal the victim of violence. In centuries since then, there have been far too many tragic instances of Christians using the sword of metal against those they saw as ‘enemies’.
This quote (from Ephesians 6:17) reminds believers that the true sword is not a physical one, but the message of the Word of God wielded by the Spirit of God.