O Emmanuel

Advent hymn

The advent hymn O Come O Come Emmanuel has its roots in the ancient, sixth-century O Antiphons. This work links the popular nineteenth-century verses with the beginnings of the corresponding Latin antiphon.

This hymn speaks directly to the state of our world in 2020. We have been held as captives—in our homes and in our masks. For some people, this year has been hellish and full of misery. There is disorder and a loss of respect for established knowledge. Gloomy clouds and dark shadows invade our thoughts about the future. We are also fractured, with sad divisions between nations, communities, and even within families. We long for someone who will bring freedom, comfort, order, hope, unity, and peace.

There is a subtle reference here to a longstanding division between some Lutheran Christians—whether the liturgical colour of Advent should be blue or purple. It’s a trival and rather unimportant difference, as are many of the theological issues that seem to create sad divisions amongst Christians. So should it be blue or purple? Yes. Both are beautiful and appropriate, and we should celebrate that blended diversity.

The final verse is my heart’s prayer: that our broken and divided families, communities, nations, and world would be bound together in one heart and mind.

This is the third in a series based on ancient Latin hymns and liturgical sequences.

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