Typeface design

Projects and techniques

Typeface design is a craft—a set of skills applied to creating objects that are artistic in nature but are designed for a specific practical purpose. The following articles give examples of my type design projects and address a few useful topics for type designers.


These are examples of personal projects in various stages of development. I tend to complete them only to meet the minimum requirements of a particular publication, use, or event. I may or may not eventually finish and publish them. If you want to see me finish any of these, contact me with your vote! Read more...

The type design process

For Latin-script typefaces

Coming soon One of the products of my research into the design of italics is a fresh look at the general type design process, based on analysis of the decisions a designer makes throughout the process. Read more...

Problems of diacritic design

For Latin-script typefaces

The design of diacritics has cultural and linguistic dimensions, however it is mostly an exercise in problem-solving. This essay looks at the some of the difficulties of designing diacritics and how designers have approached solutions. Read more...

Multitudinous alphabets

The challenges of extended Latin typeface design

Coming soon This essay covers the history and design of extended Latin characters. It was due to be published in a journal, but has long been delayed. I’ve decided to make it available here soon. Read more...

Balancing typeface economy and legibility

Practical techniques for the type designer

Typeface legibility and economy—are they adversaries or can they work together? This brief essay looks at some of the variables that affect legibility, particularly those under the control of the type designer. Read more...