
Easter Hymn

I cannot imagine Easter without this hymn—Jesus Christ is Risen Today. It has been part of my celebration of the resurrection since I was a small child. Memories of trumpets, hundreds of enthusiastic worshippers, and a really massive organ fill my head, even when pandemic-forced isolation keeps us at home.

The modern version of this hymn is over three hundred years old. It is based on the even older, fourteenth-century hymn Surrexit Christus Hodie but with many alterations. The words have changed over the centuries, however the message remains unchanged—that Christ suffered to redeem us, rose in victory, and reigns on high. Our response is praise, with Alleluia sung after every phrase.

This dense rendering of the text is intended to represent constant, unending praise, joining together the modern text and a few of the original Latin phrases. The colours give the impression of a sunrise when viewed from a distance. Watercolours give a sense of transparency and depth. I am thankful for the rich pallette of high-quality Winsor & Newton watercolours I inherited from my mother, and for the rich experience of worship she strove to foster in me.

This continues a series of works based on ancient Latin hymns and liturgical sequences.

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